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If you don’t currently have a UCR, it’s important you get one right away. Why?

Unregistered motor carriers who cross state lines without one could be fined and have their trucks pulled off the road. But who needs a UCR filing? And what if you live in a state that doesn’t participate? Keep reading to find out what you need to know to be compliant.

What is UCR Registration?

UCR stands for Unified Carrier Registration program. It is a federally-mandated system for registering operators of commercial vehicles who are involved in interstate and international travel. This annual UCR filing must be renewed by December 31 each year. Registration for the upcoming year began on October 1st.

 Who needs a UCR Filing?  

Any motor carrier who drives a commercial vehicle carrying cargo over state or international lines. Individuals and companies who make arrangements for the shipment of goods, such as brokers, freight forwarders and leasing companies are also subject to the UCR fee. For motor carriers, the cost of the UCR filing fee is dependent on the total number of vehicles in a fleet. Brokers and leasing companies are required to pay the lowest fee to register.

If you don’t have your 2022 or 2023 UCR…

What happens if you don’t get a UCR Registration?

If you don’t pay for the UCR, and are caught driving over state lines, enforcement officials could detain your vehicles. Plus, you could be required to pay additional fines and penalties. Depending on which state you’re from, the fine could be anywhere from $100 to $5,000 for first time offenders. 

This website is not affiliated with the United Carrier Registration Plan. This website is operated by a private company that provides a private registration service for an additional fee. You are not required to use this site to register with the UCR plan. You may register directly with the UCR plan at