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Post Accident Testing

24/7 Access to Testing When You Need It

According to the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance (NDWA), more than 74% of all current illegal drug users are employed, and up to 40% of industrial fatalities in the US can be linked to drug abuse and alcoholism. Testing following an accident is important as it can help determine whether drugs and/or alcohol were a factor, especially when property damage or personal injuries can result from an accident.

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Drug Testing on Your Time

We understand that drug and alcohol testing need to be readily available for businesses that operate outside of the normal 9-5 work day, so we are available 24/7/365 for your post-accident and reasonable suspicion drug testing needs. Our 6,000 certified collection sites provide continuous access to drug and alcohol collections facilities nationwide.

 Available Testing Includes:

  • Post-Accident Drug Testing – Typically occurs after an employee has been involved in an on-the-job accident that may have caused a fatality, serious injury, or significant property damage to determine whether drug or alcohol use was a factor.
  • Reasonable Suspicion Testing – Also known as for-cause or probable cause testing, reasonable suspicion testing is performed when there is evidence or reasonable cause to suspect an employee of drug use. Such evidence is based on direct observation, either by a supervisor or another employee. Reasons to conduct a reasonable suspicion test include:
  • Physical signs – Bloodshot eyes/dilated pupils, slurred speech, unsteady walk, shakes or tremors, unexplained sweating or shivering, fidgeting/inability to sit still, sleeping at work or difficulty staying awake
  • Behavioral signs – Attendance problems/tardiness, a pattern of absences or excessive absenteeism, a decline in performance/productivity, acting withdrawn from others
  • Psychological signs – Unexplained changes in personality or attitude, sudden mood changes, angry outbursts or inappropriate laughing, inability to focus or concentrate