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The FMCSA Hours of Service (HOS) rules were put in place with the intention of making roads safer by reducing fatigued driving, and as a result companies are required to ensure the accuracy and completion of their logs. Whether you’re a property-carrying driver or a passenger-carrying driver, Hours of Service regulations limit the number of hours you can drive each day. HOS rules also place specific regulations on rest breaks, consecutive hours driving, off-duty time, meals, and sleeping.

The Benefits of HOS Driver Log Auditing

Whether your company utilizes an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) or the logs are handwritten (older exempt vehicles, 100 miles radius/local, Canadian only drivers, oilfield exemptions), carriers are expected to comply with DOT HOS requirements. Due to manual entry requirements, no log is immune to the risk of falsification, even ELD logs. In fact, one of the most common misconceptions is that ELD logs cannot be falsified, however, due to the requirement of manual inputs into the ELD device itself, nothing could be further from the truth. ELD’s record engine activity, but often fall short on recording human activity, such as duty status, roadside inspections, fuel stops, etc., all of which must be supplemented to engine data to complete the ELD log. Simply put, HOS driver log auditing is just as important with ELD’s as it is with paper logs. 


Abante Transportation Compliance’s (ATC) log auditing services reduce your risks of fines, OOS orders, Hours of Service driver violations, and high CSA scores by maintaining compliance with your paper or ELD drivers logs. We offer a multitude of options for paper data transmittal, as well as turn key integrations to some of the most common ELD service providers to ensure timely data capture and accurate ELD and paper log auditing. Beyond using our technology for fast turnaround times, our staff of trained professionals are industry experts who can assist you with regulations and maintaining HOS compliance with the following value-added features:

  • 24-48 turnaround time, custom reporting, and a dedicated account rep
  • Paper and ELD log auditing available
  • Support in the event of an audit
  • Visibility of your entire fleet
  • Log falsification checks with registered data, such as GPS, tolls, inspections, etc.
  • Customized log falsifications for pre and post trip inspections, securement checks, DVIR’s, border crossings, bill of lading checks, accidents, roadside inspections, fuel stops, and duty status changes
  • Time card audits (100-mile radius drivers)
  • Individualized DVIR audits
  • Enabling or limiting access via logins and passwords
  • Automated Driver Violation and Congratulatory Letters


Hours of Service violations are a recurring challenge in the transportation industry, and can lead to significant fines. It is critical for companies to act on errors in a timely manner before they become penalties and fines add up and become a bigger problem.

Below are 6 of the most common Hours of Service (HOS) violations. By keeping these in check, you ensure your fleet will have a high CSA score, which is crucial to your company’s success.  

FORMS & MANNER VIOLATIONS: Almost 70% of HOS violations are from Form & Manner. Form & Manner consists of the information that each driver is responsible for filling out and maintaining, such as current date, vehicle number, total number of miles driven on a given day, name of carrier, etc. They are the most common HOS violations, because they’re easily detected by roadside inspectors. Electronic logging devices (ELDs) such as those enforced by a new FMCSA rule that went into effect as of April 1, 2018, can help drivers avoid Form & Manner violations by not having to take the time to fill it out by hand. 

Outdated Logs: Almost 70% of HOS violations are from Form & Manner. Form & Manner consists of the information that each driver is responsible for filling out and maintaining, such as current date, vehicle number, total number of miles driven on a given day, name of carrier, etc. They are the most common HOS violations, because they’re easily detected by roadside inspectors. Electronic logging devices (ELDs) such as those enforced by a new FMCSA rule that went into effect as of April 1, 2018, can help drivers avoid Form & Manner violations by not having to take the time to fill it out by hand.

14 HOUR RULE VIOLATION: Most drivers are required to drive a total of 11 hours and complete them during a 14-hour window. If a driver goes over those 14 hours and fails log them properly, they are subject to a 14-hour violation, which will cost them 7 points. Electronic logging apps help drivers track their 14-hour windows and send notices of upcoming violations.

11 HOUR RULE VIOLATION:  Similar to the 14-hour rule, if a driver fails to log their 11 hours properly and/or continues to drive past the maximum 11-hour shift, not only are they a danger on the road, but they are subject to a 7-point violation. Once again, ELDs assist drivers with logging hours and reminding them of their upcoming time limits.

FALSIFICATION OF RECORDS:  It’s hard for drivers to do their job, as well as remember to maintain logs, but it’s important to remain up to date while driving so that records will be accurate. Falsifying logs are more common than you think, and often it happens because the driver is submitting more than one day’s worth of work at once, which leads them to forget how many hours they did drive. ELDs help drivers avoid this as it can track your hours and assist with up-to-date logging, rather than having to remember on their own.

MISSING LOGS: It is required that drivers can provide the record of duty status for the last 7 days’ worth of work. Missing logs is a 5-point violation and can easily be prevented with the use of ELDs, which automatically keep previous logs stored on the device.