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A  Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) is a report that provides the driving history of an employee from a particular state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Under FMCSA regulations, an employer must request a pre-hire MVR in all states where a CDL license was held within the previous 3-year period, and then annually as part of the employee’s annual review process. This allows the employer to review their records and determine if the driver meets requirements or needs to be disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). 

Exceptions, according to the FMCSA, are as follows:

  • Farm vehicle drivers of articulated commercial motor vehicle
  • Private motor carrier of passengers (not compensated)

Benefits of MVRs

Employers can be held liable for the actions of employees who operate vehicles as part of their duties. Violations, accidents, and inspection infractions can all lead to an increase in insurance rates and costly litigation. Proper use of MVRs helps to reduce risks and liability by allowing the employer to understand driving habits and/or attention to obeying laws and safety measures.

MVRs Generally Include:

  • Driver’s License Information (driver name, height, weight, date of birth, etc.)
  • Violations
  • License Status (Active/Suspended/Revoked)
  • Misdemeanor Moving Violations/Convictions
  • Accidents
  • State Based Driving Record Points 
  • Automatic Renewal Notices
  • FCRA Compliance Assistance
  • Online Tracking & Reporting
  • Applicant Order Entry
  • Automated MVRs
  • Consolidated Invoicing