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2019 Drug & Alcohol Testing Random Rates:
The FAA drug testing rates are 25%, while the alcohol rates are 10%. FAA regulations apply to any employees that perform flight crew member duties, flight attendant duties, flight instruction duties, aircraft dispatch duties, aircraft maintenance or preventive maintenance duties, ground security coordinator duties, aviation screening duties, air traffic control duties, and/or operations control specialist duties.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the DOT agency with regulatory oversight of America’s aviation industry. They are tasked with setting and enforcing regulations which mitigate risks and set a high level of safety standards. You must also consider the preemptive regulations as defined by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), specifically the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA).

What is Required?

The specific FAA requirements may vary according to the safety-sensitive nature of an employee’s position. In accordance with the FAA, employers are required to perform the following drug and alcohol testing and background screening:

FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Includes:

  • Pre-employment
  • Post Accident
  • Random Selection
  • Reasonable Suspicion
  • Return-to-Duty
  • Pulmonary Function test or PFT (when applicable/required) 
  • Follow-Up – (For a failed or refusal of a drug test, which must be administered by a Substance Abuse Professional / SAP)

DOT Compliance DOT Agencies Fleet Management & Reporting

Questions about FAA Compliance?

Contact Abante today! Our experts can help ensure you’re compliant with FAA requirements.

Background Check

  • County, State, and Federal level
  • Drug & Alcohol Testing History
  • Motor Vehicle Records Check
  • Driver Registry Check (pilots)
  • Certification Verification
  • Citizen and Employment Verification
  • Required Licenses Verification – Federal Communication Commission (FCC), Airframe and Powerplant (A&P), etc. (mechanics)

Get Started Today!

Abante’s transportation compliance services were designed to deliver a single-source compliance solution, and we can help to ensure your FAA compliance program is meeting all DOT requirements. Performing more than 1 million drug tests and completing more than 2 million background items annually, Abante is one of the largest third party administrators in the industry. If you need to start complying with FAA requirements, contact Abante today!